
Remodeling Chilean Security Association (ACHS), Alameda - 2023.
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Private
Air conditioning system using chiller, air handling units and fan coil.

Hotel Debaines.
Santiago Central Metropolitan Region - 2023.
Work: Supply and Assembly
Commercial use
Air conditioning system using fan-coil Chiller, Umas and ventilation system in a building of 10 floors and 2 underground.

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Región Metropolitana

Komatsu distribution center.
Lampa Metropolitan Region - 2023.
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Private
Project: Air conditioning system using split equipment system for offices and battery room with Hydrogen concentration control.
Región Metropolitana
Tienda retail

DK Home El Cortijo
Conchalí Metropolitan Region - 2023
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Private
Air conditioning system using compact equipment and Split. Ventilation system for injection and extraction.
Región del Maule

Agrichile plant expansion.
Rio Claro Maule Region – 2023.
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Private
Air conditioning system using VRF equipment, a refrigeration system for storage warehouse and ventilation for air extraction.
Región Metropolitana

Los Libertadores Business Park.
Quilicura Metropolitan Region – 2023.
Work: Supply and Assembly
Public use
Air conditioning system using split equipment and ventilation for offices and warehouses.
Región de Los Lagos
Los Libertadores Business Park.
Quilicura Metropolitan Region – 2023.
Work: Supply and Assembly
Public use
Air conditioning system using split equipment and ventilation for offices and warehouses.
CCU plant series 100-300-400 – 2022
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Dressing rooms and bathrooms
Area: 7912 m2
Air conditioning and ventilation systems of the service buildings. It consists of electric boilers, air handlers, VRV system and solar panels for ACS. It is located in the commune of Quilicura, Santiago, Chile.
Mercado Libre distribution center - 2022
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Warehouses and offices
Area: 105,200 m2
Air conditioning system, through compact equipment and split equipment from different capabilities.
It also integrates an extraction and injection system of fresh air for different living spaces.
ROSEN Distribution Center - 2022
Work: Supply and assembly
Use: Warehouses and offices
Area: 27,600 m2
Air conditioning system, through compact equipment and split equipment of different capacities.
It also integrates a system extraction and injection of fresh air for different living spaces.
PDI Osorno police station – 2021
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Offices and Warehouse
Area: 10,380 m2
Air conditioning systems through system chiller fan coil, compact equipment, units air handlers and ventilation system injection and extraction of air. Located in Osorno, Los Lagos Region.
2nd Stage Pontifical Economics Faculty Catholic University - 2021
Work: Supply and assembly
Use: Classrooms and offices
Surface: 3,500 m2
Air conditioning system, through fan coil chiller and air handlers.
It also integrates an extraction and injection system of fresh air for different rooms.
Fast Air Import Center - 2021
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Offices
Area: 3,276 m2
Air conditioning system, through VRV system with heat recovery.
It also integrates an extraction and injection system of fresh air for different spaces
Kross Brewery Expansion - 2020
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Offices and Warehouse
Area: 2800 m2
Air conditioning systems for office and warehouse by means of split equipment of different capacities and injection and extraction ventilation system air. Curacaví is located in the Valparaíso Region.
Fedex Placilla Center, Valparaíso - 2020
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Offices
Area: 805 m2
Air conditioning system, through VRV systems from different capacities.
It also integrates an extraction and injection system of fresh air for different rooms.
Port of San Antonio Building - 2020
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Offices
Area: 4,340 m2
Air conditioning system, through fan coil chiller and air handlers.
It also integrates an extraction and injection system of fresh air for different spaces
Braun Laboratory - 2019
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Winery
Area: 1200 m2
Winery air conditioning and ventilation systems through compact equipment. It is located in the commune of San Bernardo, Santiago, Chile.
Talagante Comprehensive Stimulation Center - 2019
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Boxers and Tempered Pool
Area: 7,288 m2
Air conditioning system for boxer care by through split equipment and extraction ventilation.
For the pool, a heat pump was installed and dehumidifier. It is located in the Region Metropilitana in the commune of Talagante.
CPS Cerro Dominador Solar Plant - 2018
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Offices
Surface: 3,436 m2
Air conditioning system, through VRV systems from different capacities.
It also integrates a systeme extraction and injection of fresh air for different spaces
Darío Salas de Carahue School – 2018
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Offices and Warehouse
Surface: 6,708 m2
Heating systems for a 3-story building for classrooms and common areas through pellet boilers, radiators and underfloor heating.
A ventilation system was also installed for air extraction and injection. It is located in the commune of Carahue.
PDI Linares police station - 2017
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Offices
Area: 6,430 m2
Air conditioning system, through chiller fan coil and split equipment. It also integrates a extraction and injection of fresh air for different venues.
Thorax Hospital Remodeling - 2015
Work: Supply and Assembly
Usage: Care Boxers
Surface: 2,513 m2
Air conditioning system, through chiller fan coil and air handling units. It also integrates a extraction andinjection of fresh air for different venues.
Municipality of Contulmo, Lebu, VIII Region. 2013
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Offices
Area: 1600 m2
Heating system with 2 wood-burning boilers for deliver 180,000 Kcal/Hr. For air conditioning, They installed splitt equipment.
Torre del Sol Building, Copiapó, Region III. 2013
Work: Supply and assembly
Use: Housing
Surface: 7400 m2
Air Conditioning and Ventilation System, which considers underground ventilation, pressurized scale box, ventilation bathrooms, kitchen and laundries, air conditioning bedrooms, gym and swimming pools and generation of domestic hot water.
Copper Concentrated Winery, Caserones, Coquimbo. 2013
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Wineries
Area: 3,400 m2
Extraction System in the Wineries of Concentrated, using brand fans NOVOVENT, SODECA, S&P or similar.
PUCV Casino – Curauma Campus. 2013
Work: Supply and Assembly
Usage: Casino
Surface: 2,432 m2, two levels
Heating system, through four boilers individual and radiators. It also integrates a bathroom and kitchen extraction and air injection cool for different living spaces. refrigeration in garbage room and air conditioning in administrative offices.
Hotel Park Plaza Lyon. 2013
Work: Supply and Assembly
Use: Living rooms
Area: 1,810 m2
Air conditioning system for hotel rooms, using equipmentVRV.
Hotel Park Calama. 2013
Work: Assembly
Use: Air Conditioning System
Area: 700 m2
Modification of the boiler room on the 1st floor and deck. 4 new boilers were replaced and I modify the structure of the room.
Camp MEL 5400, M. Escondida. 2013
Work: Project and Assembly
Use: Residential
Area: 3914m2
Ventilation and Air Conditioning System for The Miscellaneous Buildings, belonging to MEL – Camp 5400, located 170 km southeast of the city of Antofagasta, II Region. The project site It is located at an elevation of 3,200 meters above sea level.
Cookies Plant, Carozzi. 2013
Work: Assembly
Industrial use
Area: 4500 m2
Ventilation System for Plant Expansion Cookies. Sectors that require ventilation forced, will be provided with Air Extractors, of the type for axial.
ADR Plant – Kinross – Mining Company Maricunga 2012
Work: Project and Assembly
Use: Gold and metal processing plant
Surface: 3,000 m2 on three levels – 4,800 meters above sea level
Localized extraction and heating system, through high flow and resistance injection fans electrical. We also carry out electrical projects of force and centralized control. In total 60 teams of ventilation, 10 electrical power and control panels.
Camp Expansion – Administration – ADR and Fine Crushing – Kinross – Company Maricunga Mining 2012
Work: Project and Assembly
Surface: 5,000 m2 one level – 4,800 meters above sea level
Localized extraction and heating system, through medium flow injection fans and electrical resistance. We also carry out projects electric power and centralized control. In total 15 ventilation equipment, 12 electrical power panels And control.
Carabineros Police Station, Pedro Aguirre Cerda. 2012
Work: Project and Assembly
Use: Police Station
Area: 2,500 m2
System made up of water coolers and fan coil terminal units with electrical resistance support, to air-condition offices and dining rooms. Extraction systems for bedrooms, bathrooms, lockers and kitchen.
Bedroom and office modules Camp Pascua Lama Mining Districts. 2012
Work: Project and Assembly
Use: Police Station
Surface: 2,987 m2
Three bedroom pavilions and a offices, built in modules and heated by hot air, using electrical ventilation and resistance.
Essbio Rancagua Building. 2011
Work: Project
Use: Administrative offices
Surface: 3,450 m2, 3 levels
Essbio corporate building, which has a air conditioning system using volume system of variable refrigerant to liquefied gas and a fresh air ventilation that uses active thermodynamic heat recovery.
Realization of the air conditioning and ventilation project according to LEED certification parameters.
Metro S.A., Tobalaba Station. 2010
Work: Project
Scope: Preparation and development of air conditioning
Air conditioning system with water coolers (Chiller) with fan-coil presentation only cold and electric resistance heating.
Metro S.A., Moneda Station. 2010
Work: Project
Scope: Preparation and development of air conditioning
Air conditioning system with refrigerant equipment, heat pump type.
Port Terminals, Queilén, Chequián and Quellón. Ministry of Public Works. 2010
Work: Project
Preparation and development of air conditioning project (basic and detailed engineering) of the three (3) passenger terminals. The air conditioning solution was defined based on electric boilers for water hot and extra-flat type radiators. In addition to bathroom and kitchen extraction systems.
Metro S.A., Pedro de Valdivia Station. 2010
Work: Project
Scope: Preparation and development of air conditioning.
Air conditioning system with refrigerant equipment, heat pump type.
Alto Lafquen Building, Los Angeles. 2010
Work: Project
Use: Residential
Condominium of 2 towers of residential buildings, which They have a radiator heating system and individual heat generators, in addition to a central solar for hot water heating. Realization of heating and ACS project.
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